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by The US DEA
by Clifford A. Schaffer
What This Document IsIn August, 1994, the Drug Enforcement Administration held a special conference to try to deal with the fact that they were getting beaten -- badly -- every time they tried to come out for a drug policy debate. In the last few years, they have been beaten in these debates so often that it is really an embarrasment to the whole drug warrior crew. They don't have a single argument which stands up to close scrutiny. The reason they were getting beaten is because people began using the Persuasive Strategies and they got better educated on the issue. As a result of the Persuasive Strategies being used by large numbers of people across the US, they were getting publicly hammered every time they came out for a debate. It was really an embarrassing trend, so they had to try to do something about it. Now they have laid out, in detail, their ten biggest arguments on the issues raised in the debate. These arguments will now be laid to rest. Because their book was in large part a response to my Persuasive Strategies, I have undertaken to write a reply to their book. In short, they still don't have a single argument which stands up to close scrutiny. The debate is over and it is time for them to admit it. · Introduction · Acknowledgements · Letter of Introduction · Reply to the Letter of Introduction · Why This Guide is Necessary · The DEA Position · When/Where/How To Use · Remember · Anti-Legalization Forum · What Motivates Legalization Proponents? · Questions to Ask Claim I - CRIME, VIOLENCE AND DRUG USE GO HAND IN HAND CLAIM II: WE HAVE MADE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS IN REDUCING DRUG USE IN THIS COUNTRY. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO ABANDON OUR EFFORTS. CLAIM III: LEGALIZATION OF DRUGS WILL LEAD TO INCREASED USE AND INCREASED ADDICTION LEVELS CLAIM IV: ANY REVENUES GENERATED BY TAXING LEGALIZED DRUGS WOULD QUICKLY EVAPORATE IN LIGHT OF THE INCREASED SOCIAL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH LEGALIZING DRUGS. CLAIM V: THERE ARE NO COMPELLING MEDICAL REASONS TO PRESCRIBE MARIJUANA OR HEROIN TO SICK PEOPLE. CLAIM VI: LEGALIZATION AND DECRIMINALIZATION OF DRUGS HAVE BEEN A DISMAL FAILURE IN OTHER NATIONS. CLAIM VII: ALCOHOL HAS CAUSED SIGNIFICANT HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CRIME PROBLEMS IN THIS COUNTRY, AND LEGALIZED DRUGS WOULD ONLY MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE CLAIM VIII: DRUG CONTROL SPENDING IS A MINOR PORTION OF THE U.S. BUDGET, AND COMPARED TO THE COSTS OF DRUG ABUSE, SPENDING IS MINUSCULE. CLAIM IX: DRUG PROHIBITION IS WORKING CLAIM X: DRUG LEGALIZATION WOULD HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON LOWINCOME COMMUNITIES KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO BEFORE SPEAKING AGAINST LEGALIZATION Some Do's and Don'ts: INVITATIONS: HANDLE WITH CARE DEFINITIONS More to Come ............ |
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | The Drug Legalization Debate