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This page is a compilation of ideas people had for good bumper stickers for a drug policy reform campaign. Enjoy.
"Visualize Drugpeace," "It's the Prohibition -- Not Drugs," "Stop the War on Us," Prohibition love it or leave it. Peace on Drugs. CIA Cocaine in America. DEA: the competition Make love on drugs, Not war on drugs Fight real crime- End the drug war. - Ben Masel (I think) Just say know (or no thank you) Why can't we all just get abong? As Ira Glassner noted in his editorial printed in last sundays NY times --in response to "It's Drugs Stupid"---Hey, "It's Prohibition Stupid." Legalize it, Don't Criticize it. Drug Prohibition is the Problem Not the Solution I read once that if you take a black sharpie and black-out the "kids off" on the DARE bumper stickers, it reads, "DARE to keep drugs" Pro-MJ and I vote! Free the weed, the stalk and the seed! Free Pot (from tyranny) Drugs Are Real Expensive "Stop the Violence: End the Drug War" PROHIBITION = <the word "CONTROL" surrounded by a big slashed circle> REGULATION = CONTROL How about "DECLARE PEACE" superimposed over the image of a pot leaf on one side and a hand with the V-shaped peace sign on the other? Stop drug violence End the drug war [Perhaps using red/white octagon STOP sign and yellow/black diamond END sign] DARE: Lying to kids about drugs [Lying to kids has to be in high contrast, bright yellow on black] Save the trees Legalize hemp Prohibition _is_ our drug problem "It's Prohibition, Stupid" - (inspired by E. Nadelmann) Tax it. For Freedom of Diet -- Abolish Neo-prohibition! End the Drug War. Begin the War on Real Crime THE DRUG WAR BREEDS CRIME NOBODY'S SAFE FROM THE DEA WANT SAFE STREETS? END THE DRUG WAR! MAKE AMERICA SAFE: END THE DRUG WAR! OUR DRUG WAR: $100,000,000,000.00 DRUG LORD SUBSIDY PROHIBITION IS A FAILURE "WAR ON DRUGS" = WAR ON AMERICA LAND OF THE PRISONER HOME OF THE DRUG WAR (as in "land of the free, home of the brave". Superimposed on a waving American flag. In fact it would be really cool if "free" and "brave" were printed but scribbled out and "prisoner" and "drug war" were written in.) US OUT OF COLOMBIA - DEA OUT OF MENDOCINO ...Fight Crime, Not Drugs... ....End Drug Prohibition -- Before It's Too Late... How about: School free drug zone. >Prohibition: Didn't work Then >Of Drugs Doesn't Work Now! >Freedom still works better - Abolish Prohibition DEA OUT OF L.A. Save Our Children -- Stop the Drug War, or Save our Community -- Stop the Drug War |
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