Historical Research on Drug Policy
Recommended Reading
- New! The Reefer
Madness Collection - Hundreds of examples of hilarious Reefer
Madness from history.
- New! - Medical Marijuana Throughout History
- Pictures of more than 100 medicines that once contained cannabis
Federal Court Decisions - 1930-1939
- Repeal Would Not Give
Two Million Idle Men Employment - Pamphlet against repealing alcohol
Prohibition, circa 1930
 The Wickersham Commission Report on Alcohol
Prohibition - The Federal Government's own study of alcohol
- Prohibition Repeal Posters
Prohibition Failed!
Their Security Demands You Vote
For Your Children's Sake
- Cannabis Fluid Extract
- From the Parke, Davis & Company 1929-1930 physicians' catalog.
- Lay Drug Addiction to Bad
Association, The New York Times January 6, 1930
- Lays Drug Addiction to
Maladjustments, The New York Times April 12, 1930, Dr. Lambert Tells
Physicians It Is Not Due to Disease but to Emotional Instability.
- Narcotics Bureau is Urged by
Tuttle - NY Times, March 9, 1930
- Anslinger Heads Narcotic
Bureau - NY Times, September 24, 1930
- Hemp Fiber Losing Ground,
Despite Its Valuable Qualities, Source: 1931 USDA Yearbook of
- Prohibition,
a poem by Franklin P. Adams, 1931
- Hobson Tells of
New Menace. New York Times, March 5, 1931
- Calls
Cures Futile for Narcotic Users, The New York Times July 22, 1931,
Addicts Not Desperadoes But Trifling Lawbreakers, He Says in Report Urging Confinement for
Life in Institution.
- Government Will
Ask States To Ban Growing of Marijuana. New York Times, September 16,
- Says Our Dry Law
Aids Narcotic Evil, Berlin Toxicologist, in Book, Holds Prohibition
Cannot Be Justified by Science. Finds Alcohol Beneficial, Prof. Lewin Denies Its
Normal Use Diminishes Intellectual Vigor or Clearness of Judgment. New York Times December
23, 1931
- The VCL: Architects of Repeal
by Richard M. Evans, Attorney at Law. This is a good discussion of the Voluntary
Committee of Lawyers which provided the legal framework for the repeal of alcohol
Repealing National Prohibition by
David Kyvig (book) - The story of how anti-prohibition activists engineered the repeal of
alcohol prohibition against the odds.
- The 21st
Amendment to the US Constitution, which repealed alcohol prohibition.
- Homicide Rates 1910 - 1944
-- A chart of the homicide rates, before, during, and after alcohol Prohibition.
- Cornell Reports Cure of
Morphine Addict, The New York Times January 16, 1932, Sodium Rhodanate
Said to "Wash" Brain and Nervous System in Six Days.
- Cuba Growing
Marihuana Police Find Narcotic Plots Hidden in Sugar-Cane Fields.
Special Correspondence, The New York Times. December 4, 1932
- End of
Illicit Drug Traffic Now in Sight - Literary Digest, July 29, 1933;
page 19
- The story of
Jake Licata - Research on one of the most famous
cases of Reefer Madness
- Dope Ring
Specialized in Mexican Marijuana - Special Correspondence The
New York Times, December 3, 1933
- The British
Pharmaceutical Codex, 1934 - relating to cannabis
- On the Narcotic
Trail - Louis Ruppel, May, 1934
This is an article by the Deputy Commissioner for the Bureau of Narcotics. It is
interesting primarily because the statements about marijuana are clearly contradictory
with the testimony that was presented at the Marihuana Tax Act hearings just three years
- Would 'Destroy' Woman Held a
Narcotic Addict - NY Times, Sept. 9, 1934 -- In this article, a
veterinarian recommends killing addicts, the same way one would kill a sick animal.
- Use of Marijuana
Spreading in West - Poisonous Weed Is Being Sold Quite Freely
in Pool Halls and beer Gardens. Children Said to Buy It. Narcotic Bureau Officials
Say Law Gives No Authority to Stop Traffic. Special Correspondence to The New York Times,
September 16, 1934
- West Indians
Riot After Colon Killing - 200 Attack Home of Chief of Police,
Believing He Shot One of Their Companions Special Cable to The New York Times. October 6,
- Morganthau Favors
Tapping of Wires In Treasury Agents' War on Narcotics - NY Times,
October 16, 1934
- Narcotic Garden
Found in Brooklyn - Thriving Crop of Loco Weed in Secret Lot
Discovered After Raid Near Bridge. -Two Men Held After Soldiers on Governors Island
Reveal the Source of Their Supply, New York Times, October 18, 1934
- Narcotic Bonfire
Routs Officials - Blast Sends Men to Cover as One Touches a
Match to Gasoline-Soaked Weeds. - Camera Men Flustered - Only Two Record Scene
Staged for Their Benefit by Hickey, Geoghan and 2 Others. New York Times, October 19, 1934
- Brooklyn and
Baghdad New York Times, October 20, 1934
- Orders for
Narcotic Traced to CCC Camp - Dix Soldier Sought Marajuana From Two
Men in Brooklyn, Arraignment Reveals. New York Times, October 30, 1934
- Rhode Island to
End Weed as Drug Source - State Plans Drive to Eradicate Marijuana
Plant After Wide Traffic in Hashish,. New York Times, January 20, 1935
- Seized for
Selling Opiates to Troops - Two Accused of Peddling 700 Loco Weed
Cigarettes Daily on Governors Island. Officers Called Police When Soldiers Showed
Lethargy Induced by Marihuana. New York Times, January 23, 1935
- Roosevelt Asks Narcotic War
Aid - New York Times March 22, 1935
- Beware!
- Marijuana Poster from the 1930s
- New Mexico Moves
to Ban Marijuana - State Finds Many Children Are Addicted to Weed --
Narcotics Law Passed. Special Correspondence, The New York Times, April 14, 1935
- Illicit Trafficking in
Narcotics Brisk, New York Times May 26, 1935, Geneva Committee Reports
No Diminution in Trade in 1934 Despite Efforts.
- Narcotic Farm for 1,400
Opened - NY Times, May 26, 1935
- China Reports 263 Were
Executed in 1934 To Enforce Her Drastic Anti-Opium Law - NY Times,
June 2, 1935
- Marijuana Patch
at Jail - Narcotic Weeds Discovered on Welfare Island -- Burned
at Once. New York Times, July 17, 1935
- Quotas
Letter to the editor, New York Times September 15, 1935
- Marihuana Menaces
Youth -- Scientific American, March, 1936
- Rising Tide of Narcotics Over
World - Smugglers Baffle Officials After Curb Placed by Geneva - The
Literary Digest - May,16, 1936, page 32
- Police Study
Marijuana To Kill Growing Crops New York Times, July 24, 1936
- Seize Marihuana
Crops - Police Uproot Narcotic Plants in Four Brooklyn Lots. New York
Times. July 28, 1936
- Police Burn Ten
Tons of Marijuana - $3,000,000 Bonfire Destroys Marijuana
Police Burn Narcotic Weed and Fifty Bagatelle Machines in Brooklyn Vacant Lot. New York
Times, August 14, 1936
- Opens Drive to End Narcotic
Running, New York Times August 14, 1936: Morgenthau Shifts 570
men to Customs Agency, Setting up Four New Districts. Smuggling is Extensive; Principal
Problem on Pacific Coast-- Attack on 'Rum Row' Is to Be Duplicated;
- 5 Acres of
Marijuana Uprooted by Police; Barren Island Goats Were Thriving on It
- New York Times, August 19, 1936
- Marihuana Farm
Found in Maryland - Federal Raiders Say Leaves on Its Two Acres
Would Retail at $1,000,000. - Arrest of Two Mexicans Leads to Discovery Among Tomatoes,
Corn and Pumpkins. New York Times, October 4. 1936
- Police Ruse
Traps 10 in Marijuana Raid - Password to Apartment Learned by
Detectives in Hiding -- They Find Narcotic Cigarettes. New York Times, October 28, 1936
- Campaign Battles
Marihuana Weed - Mrs. William Dick Sporborg to Seek Aid of State Head
of Schools in Drive. Program of Crime Prevention Adopts Anti-Narcotic Work as Pivotal
Point. New York Times January 3, 1937
- World Group to
Push Fight On Marijuana - Illicit Drug to be Chief Target of Week's
Narcotic Fight Opening Today New York Times, February 21, 1937
- Two Colleges
Deny Marijuana Invasion - Cornell Official Calls McNaboe
Statement 'Pipe Dream' -- West Point Hunt Futile New York Times, March 22, 1937
- War on Marihuana
Urged On Parents - Federal Expert Calls on P.T.A. Congress to
Act Against Newest Narcotic 2,000 Attend Sessions - Dr. Studebaker at Richmond
Meeting Says Child Should Be Taught to Think Special to The New York Times - May 4, 1937
The Marihuana Tax Act and Related Papers
The full text of the congressional hearings for the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, as well
as the full text of the conferences held before and after the passage of the law, and
closely related materials.
- Marijuana is
outlawed - Chapter 56 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and
Illicit Drugs
- A Brief History of Federal
Firearms Enforcement, Frederick S. Calhoun. Ph.D.. Historian, Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center.
This is included because the early legal reasoning for the narcotics laws was similar
to that used for firearms laws. In the Congressional hearings for the Marihuana Tax Act,
the assertion is made that the Marihuana Tax Act was constitutional because its provisions
were similar to the National Firearms Act of 1933, which required Federal licensing for
automatic weapons.
- New Billion-Dollar Crop - Hemp-
Popular Mechanics, February, 1938
- Marijuana -
Assassin of Youth The Reader’s Digest February 1938
- Opium Experts Split Over
Care of Addicts - NY Times June 6, 1939
- Tax Convictions Set High
Record - The New York Times July 16, 1939 - Treasury Lists Racketeers
and Politicians Punished in Fiscal 1939 for Evasion - Narcotic arrests Up to 754 in This
Area-- 700 Illicit Stills Spotted by Airplanes
- 'Frozen Sleep' Aids Narcotic
Addicts, The New York Times November 4, 1939
- Winona (MN) Republican Herald, Dec 31, 1937
Two Hemp Processing Companies Chempco has 40 on Payroll; 12 At
Cannabis, Inc. Good Future Development Bringing Increase in Jobs Seen.
Profitable Cash Crop for Winona Area Farmers to Result. Winona Republican
Herald, Dec 31, 1937
- Graphic Image of The
New Billion Dollar Crop article (about 500K)
- Marihuana - Weed
With Roots In Hell (Poster)
- Assassin
of Youth (Marijuana poster)