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Marijuana / Hemp / Cannabis |
Hemp (Marijuana)This page contains materials related to hemp (marijuana), cannabis sativa. Did you ever wonder why hemp was illegal? Here are some of the actual transcripts from the hearings for the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 -- an interesting piece of lunacy. It is not all there yet, but it is coming soon. Please see the Historical References page for the full history of the marijuana laws in the United States. Contents
Other Hemp/Marijuana Links of Interest
Commercial and Industrial Uses of Hemp
Journal of the International Hemp Association Hemp As a Crop For Missouri Farmers - 1991 Hemp For Fuel - Excerpted from "Energy Farming in America," by Lynn Osburn Hemp Speech - Colorado This is a rough draft of a speech for the 1995 Agricultural committee of the Colorado congress, which will be deciding on a bill to re-classify industrial cannabis as legal. (below 1.3% THC) Letter from a DEA Agent to Colorado Legislature re the Hemp Bill This is a letter written by a DEA agent with the specific intent of killing a bill in the Colorado Legislature which would have permitted the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes. Because of the lies in this letter, the DEA agent was later relieved of duty. Reply to the DEA Agent's letter - Thomas J. Ballanco, Environmental Action Committee, Co-Chair This is the reply to the DEA agent's letter which led to the agent's retirement. Hemp and Related Fiber Crops Task Force, As authorized by the Governor of Kentucky , 11-23-94 Hemp Industry in Australia The status of the hemp industry in Australia, as of 2/17/95. Government of Canada Agricultural Report on Hemp 12-16-94 Hemp As Weed Control, by D. West Industrial Hemp Farming - History and Practice Report on Australian Hemp Trials from James Davis to Joe Hickey An Amazing Plant by Bill Leuders From ISTHMUS, "the weekly newspaper of Madison" Feb 8-14, 1991 Hawaiian Industrial Hemp Report Optimisation of breeding for agronomic traits in fibre hemp Seasonal fluctuations of cannabinoid content in Kansas marijuana The CPRO Cannabis germplasm collection The US Hemp Market by Richard A. Adams, Baker College Center for Graduate Studies Effects of Public Opinion on the Marketing of Hemp Products via the Internet by Richard A. Adams, Baker College Center for Graduate Studies Characterisation of Cannabis accessions with regard to cannabinoid content in relation to other plant characters Putting Cannabis in Cars - From Popular Mechanics - March, 1997 Industrial Hemp in the United States: Status and Market Potential Ecolution - USDA White Paper on Hemp 1995
Hemp Facts by Alan D. BryanBelow are a number of interesting files that Alan D. Bryan has accumulated relative to hemp. There is all sorts of good information here, including a lot of stuff you probably didn't know, even if you were already familiar with the hemp issues.
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