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Marijuana / Hemp / Cannabis |
Hemp FACT #91-Sacrament-7 Date: 95-04-22 09:55:50 EDT From: ADBryan I haven't read this many Bible verses since Sunday school. For those that attend church, synagogue, temple, etc-- Are you going to cut-n-paste this article and give it to your pastors, rabbis, shaman and the like? ;-) MARIJUANA AS THE CHRISTIAN SACRAMENT-- Part 7. The fact that modern Christendom has no sense of union with God has led to numerous churches without the understanding for building a Christian culture and kingdom to replace the confusion of modern politics. This lack of understanding was not lacking in the ancient church and was a major source of enthusiasm for the prophets of old. In fact, the power of the early church was manifested due to this understanding of the spirit of God dwelling in man, the temple of God. To the ancient prophets it was not a God above, nor a God over yonder, but a God within. "Be still and know that I am God" for the visionaries and mystics of every time and place, this has been the first and greatest of the commandments. In 1 Corinthians 11:28 Christ said, "Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup." Probably the most relevant study to date about what might be considered typical marijuana experience concludes that marijuana gives spontaneous insights into self (Dr. Charles Tart, "On Being Stoned: A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication", Science and Behavior, 1971). The sacramentality of marijuana is declared by Christ himself and can be understood only when a person partakes of the natural divine herb. The fact is communion of Jesus cannot be disputed or be destroyed. Marijuana is the new wine divine and cannot be compared to the old wine, which is alcohol. Jesus rejected the old wine and glorified the "new wine" at the wedding feast of Cana. Cana is a linguistic derivation of the present day cannabis and so it is. (Some Biblical scholars and there is a certain amount of support in early tradition of the view have looked upon the miracle of Cana as a sign of the Eucharist.) Note the references to new wine in the Bible: Isaiah 65:8 "Thus saith the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it; so will I do for my servant's sake" Acts 2:13 "Others mocking said, "These men are full of new wine." Isaiah 65:8 declares that the new wine is found in the cluster and that a blessing is in it. When one mentions clusters, one thinks of clusters of grapes. Webster's New Riverside Dictionary, Office Edition, defines marijuana: 1. Hemp 2. The dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant, esp. when taken to induce euphoria. The Encyclopedia Britannica says the following about hemp: Seed producing flowers form elongate, spike like clusters growing on the pistillate, or female plants; pollen producing flowers form many branched clusters or staminate, on male plants. Here and in Webster's, marijuana fits the description of the new wine and as history has shown a blessing is in it. Baudelaire said the following about the effects of hashish: "This marvelous experience often occurs as if it were the effect of superior and invisible power acting on the person from without...This delightful and singular state...gives no advance warning. It is as unexpected as a ghost, an intermittent haunting from which we must draw, if we are wise, the certainty of a better existence. This acuteness of thought, this enthusiasm of the senses and the spirit must have appeared to man through the ages as the first blessing." In the books of Acts the apostles were accused of being full of new wine. Acts 2:13 was the time of pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. Numerous outpourings of the Spirit are mentioned in the Acts of the apostles in which healing, prophesy, and the expelling of demons are particularly associated with the activity of the Spirit. Incense (marijuana) was used by the ancients for healing, prophesy, and the expelling of demons. Part 8. Tomorrow, pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #92-Sacrament-8Date: 95-04-23 09:55:59 EDT From: ADBryan Now this is ridiculous. It's late April and the wind chill here in Dallas is in the upper 20's this morning. :-o O.K. you northerners, quit laughing, we're spoiled down here. A SPECIAL NOTE-- There is a 60 Minutes program on tonight that is supposed to be critical of DEA/FBI. Don't know any details. MARIJUANA AS THE CHRISTIAN SACRAMENT--Part 8. When Christ ascended into heaven in the cloud (Acts 1:9-11) he sent his disciples the Holy Spirit with the "gift of tongues" (Acts 2:3) and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and were given the power to prophesy or witness. (Marijuana has been credited with speech giving and inspiration of mental powers.) The first two gifts of the Holy Spirit are traditionally said to be wisdom and understanding, which no doubt are the two things most needed by the human race. In Jamaica today marijuana is referred to as the "weed of wisdom" and is reputed to be the plant that grew on Solomon's grave, a man known for his great wisdom. Marijuana expands consciousness and enhances the capacity for mystical and creative inspiration. In Acts 2:3 Fire speaks figuratively of the Holy Spirit. Fire was also a means which to transport a saint to heaven. 2 Kings 2:11 "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." Recent writers have speculated that this passage was in reference to flying saucers. That is because they look at this passage physically. This ascension of Elijah like the ascension of Christ in the cloud into heaven is the "withdrawal" from the external or physical world, to be the inmost reality of all. This can be referred to as ecstasy, rapture, or transport and is a result of the Holy Spirit. Ecstasy, rapture, or transport therefor agree in designating a feeling or state of intense, often extreme mental and emotional exaltation. Rapture is defined as ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy. Some of the synonyms of rapture are bliss, beatitude, transport, and exultation. The true rapture is therefore one in which one is spiritually transported to the heavens. Don't expect to float up into the sky. Marijuana as history has shown is the catalyst used to achieve the spiritual journey into the heavens. That is why in India it was referred to as the Heavenly-Guide, the Poor Man's Heaven, and the Sky-flier. That is why Professor Mircea Eliade, perhaps the foremost authority on the history of religion, suggested that Zoroaster may have caused hemp to bridge the metaphysical gap between heaven and earth. One dictionary defines marijuana as the leaves and flowering tops when taken to induce euphoria. Euphoria is defined by the same dictionary as great happiness or bliss. (In India, marijuana has been referred to as the joy-giver and the soother of grief.) Bliss is defined as the ecstasy of salvation, spiritual joy. Some of the synonyms of bliss are beatitude, transport, rapture, ecstasy, paradise, heaven. Throughout the ancient world there is mention of "magical flight", "ascent to heaven", and "mystical journey". All these mythological and folklore traditions have their point of departure in an ideology and technique of ecstasy that imply "journey in spirit". Part 9. Tomorrow..Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #93-Sacrament-9Date: 95-04-24 10:10:01 EDT From: ADBryan MARIJUANA AS THE CHRISTIAN SACRAMENT--Part 9. The pilgrimage from earth to heaven is not a journey to some other place or some other time, but is a journey within. One must realize that "death" through which we must pass before God can be seen does not lie ahead of us in time. Rather it is now that we have a man of sin within us that must be killed and a new man free from sin that must be born. This is actualized in baptism and the sacramental life in the church. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ (Galatians 3:27). The effect of baptism is spiritual regeneration or rebirth, whereby one is "enChristened", involving both union with Christ and remission of sins. In Titus 3:5 baptism is the "bath of regeneration" accompanying renewal by the Spirit. Some of the synonyms of regeneration are beatification, conversion, sanctification, salvation, inspiration, bread of life, Body and Blood of Christ. Sara Benetowa of the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw is quoted in the Book of Grass as saying: "By comparing the old Slavic word 'Kepati' and the Russian 'Kupati' with the Scythian 'cannabis' Shrader developed and justified Meringer's supposition that there is a link between the Scythian baths and Russian vapor baths. "In the entire Orient even today to 'go to the bath' means not only to accomplish an act of purification and enjoy a pleasure, but also to fulfill the divine law. Vambery calls 'bath' any club in which the members play checkers, drink coffee, and smoke hashish or tobacco." St. Matthew's account of the institution of the Eucharist attaches to the Eucharist cup these words: "Drink of it, all of, for this is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins (st. Matthew 26:27). Drinking the sacramental cup therefor serves like baptism (Acts 2:38) where Peter said unto them, "Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We of the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church declare a three-part doctrine of the Holy Herb, the Holy Word, and the Holy Man (Woman). The present and future benefits to the individual communicant have their importance given them by Jesus, who said, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." (John 6:54) As such we must see that the divine person who is active in creation, in renewal, and in human rebirth and resurrection, is also active in the Eucharist. There was a profound change in America when marijuana smoking started on a large scale in the late 1960's. A large number of people resisted the draft, resisted the war ... started letting their hair and beards grow ... became interested in natural foods... the ecology and the environment. What we really saw was the awakening of our generation to the beginning of Christian mentality through marijuana smoking. The earmarks of this mentality are: I don't want to go to war; I really don't want to be part of the political-military-economic fiasco you call society. Like the Indians Hemp Drug Commission three quarters of a century earlier, the Canadian Le Dain Commission conducted an inquiry into the use of marijuana. On page 156 of the report is the following: Part 10. Tomorrow--Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #94-Sacrament-10Date: 95-04-25 10:16:13 EDT From: ADBryan Didn't mean to leave a cliffhanger yesterday or am I the only one that noticed it. MARIJUANA AS THE CHRISTIAN SACRAMENT--Part 10. "In the case of cannabis, the positive points which are claimed for it include the following: It is a relaxant; it is disinhibiting; it increases self-confidence and the feeling of creativity (whether justified by creative results or not); it increases sensual awareness and appreciation; it facilitates self acceptance and in this way makes it easier to accept others; it serves a sacramental function in promoting a sense of spiritual community among users; it is a shared pleasure; because it is illicit and the object of strong disapproval from those who are, by and large, opposed to social change, it is a symbol of protest and a means of strengthening the sense of identity among those who are strongly critical of certain aspects of our society and value structure today." On page 144 of the Report, marijuana is associated with peace. "In our conversation with (students and young people) they have frequently contrasted marijuana and alcohol effects to describe the former as a drug of peace, a drug that reduces tendencies to aggression while suggesting that the latter drug produces hostile, aggressive behavior. Thus marijuana is seen as particularly appropriate to a generation that emphasizes peace and is, in many ways, anticompetitive." In a magazine article by G. S. Chopra entitled "Man and Marijuana" on page 235 is a section dealing with Human Experiments. One hundred persons with an established marijuana smoking habit smoked marijuana. They described the symptoms as follows: "I have done things today which I usually dislike but which I rather enjoyed doing today." "Nothing seemed impossible to accomplish." "I assumed a cool and composed attitude and forgot all mental worries." "I behaved in a childish and foolish manner." "It relieves sense of fatigue and gives rise to feelings of happiness." "I feel like laughing." "My head is dizzy." "I feel like taking more food." "The world is gay around me." "I feel inclined to work." "I am a friend to all and have no enemy in the world." According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, in the section on "Roman Catholicism": "To understand the meaning and use of the Eucharist we must see it as an act of universal worship, of cooperation, of association else it loses the greater part of its significance. Neither in Roman Catholic nor in Protestant Eucharistic practice does the sacrament retain much of the symbolism of Christian unity, which clearly it has. Originally, the symbolism was that of a community meal, an accepted social symbol of community throughout the whole of human culture." Marijuana has been used as sacrifice, a sacrament, a ritual fumigant (incense), a good-will offering, and as a means of communing with the divine spirit. It has been used to seal treaties, friendships, solemn binding agreements and to legitimize covenants. It has been used as a traditional defense against evil and in purification. It has been used in divinations (1. the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge; 2. unusual insight; intuitive perception.) It has been used in remembrance of the dead and praised for its medicinal properties. Most Christians agree that participation in the Eucharist is supposed to enhance and deepen communion of believers not only with Christ but also with one another. We must therefor ask the question, "What substance did the ancients use as a community meal to facilitate communion with the Lord?" The answer to that question is marijuana. Hemp as originally used in religious ritual, temple activities, and tribal rites, involved groups of worshippers rather than the solitary individual. The pleasurable psychoactive effects were then, as now, communal experiences. Part 11.--The Final Part of Sacrament Tomorrow--Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #95-Sacrament-11Date: 95-04-26 10:11:03 EDT From: ADBryan I was wondering how this series of posts on the sacrament would be viewed. I have received more request for the complete text of this article than I have of any other. When I first read it, I thought it was going to be boring. I personally do not subscribe to organized religion because it all seems so hypocritical. After reading this, it looks like the roots of religion are in the right place. Inner peace, respecting others and all that stuff. Well, here's the final part of: MARIJUANA AS THE CHRISTIAN SACRAMENT-Part 11. (I didn't realize there was this little left when I posted yesterday) Practically every major religion and culture of the ancient world utilized marijuana as part of their religious observance. Marijuana was the ambrosia of the ancient world. It was the food, drink, and perfume of the gods. It was used by the Africans, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Asians, the Europeans, and possibly the Indians of the Americas. Would it be too much to suggest that the ancient Israelites also utilized marijuana? The following information was taken from the most authoritative books dealing with the history of marijuana. They are mentioned at the end of this work. -- This article came from, but was NOT written by: The University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition S.A.O. Box #2 415 Student Union Building UMASS, Amherst MA 01003 Now I'm off to the WWW to find more relevant info. See you tomorrow. Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #96-Reefer Madness-1Date: 95-04-27 11:23:45 EDT From: ADBryan The following post was taken from: Newsgroups: alt.hemp Subject: Reefer Madness??? Date: 9 Jun 1994 04:27:08 -0400 Part 1. Essay: Reefer Madness? By Dune Hartsell For thousands of years, Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) has been one of the most useful plants known to man. It's strong, stringy fibers make durable rope and can be woven into anything from sails to shirts; it's pithy centers, or "Hurds," make excellent paper; it's seeds, high in protein and oil, have been pressed into lighting or lubricating oils and pulped into animal feed; and extracts of it's leaves have provided a wide range of medicines and tonics. Hemp also has a notable place in American history: -Washington and Jefferson grew it. -Our first flags were likely made of hemp cloth. -The first and second drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on paper made from Dutch Hemp. -When the pioneers went west, their wagons were covered with hemp canvas (the word "canvas" comes from canabacius , hemp cloth). -The first "Levis" sold to prospectors were sturdy hemp coveralls. -Abraham Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd, came from the richest hemp growing family in Kentucky. After the Civil War, however, hemp production in the States declined steeply. Without slave labor, hemp became too expensive to process. Besides, cotton ginned by machines was cheaper. Still, hemp fabric remained the second most common cloth in America. The plant's by-products remained popular well into this century. Maple Sugar combined with Hashish (a resin from hemp leaves) was sold over the counter and in Sears Roebuck catalogs as a harmless candy. Hemp rope was a mainstay of the Navy. Two thousand tons of hemp seed were sold annually as birdfeed. The pharmaceutical industry used hemp extracts in hundreds of potions and vigorously fought attempts to restrict hemp production. And virtually all good paints and varnishes were made from hemp-seed oil and/or linseed oil. In the 1920's and '30s the American public became increasingly concerned about drug addiction-----especially to Morphine and a "miracle drug" that had been introduced by the Bayer Company in 1898 under the brand name "Heroin." By the mid-1920's, there were 20,000 heroin addicts in the U.S. alone. Most Americans were unaware that smoking hemp was intoxicating; however, until William Randolph Hearst launched a campaign of sensational stories that linked "the killer weed" to everything from Jazz to "Crazed minorities," and even unspeakable crimes. Hearst's papers featured headlines like: MARIJUANA MAKES FIENDS OF BOYS IN 30 DAYS: HASIESH GOADS USERS TO BLOOD LUST and NEW DOPE LURE, MARIJUANA, HAS MANY VICTIMS In 1930 Hearst was joined in his crusade against hemp by Harry J. Anslinger, commissioner of the newly organized Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN). Hearst often quoted Anslinger in his newspaper stories, printing sensational comments like: "If the hideous monster Frankenstein came face to face with the monster marijuana he would drop dead of fright." Not everyone shared their opinion. In 1930, the US government formed the Siler Commission to study marijuana smoking by off-duty servicemen in Panama. The Commission found no lasting effects and recommended that no criminal penalties apply to it's use. Nonetheless, Hearst's and Anslinger's anti-hemp campaign had results. By 1931, twenty-nine states had prohibited marijuana use for nonmedical purposes. In 1937, after two years of secret hearings and based largely on Anslinger's testimony, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which essentially outlawed marijuana in America. Because Congress was not sure it was constitutional to ban hemp outright, it taxed the plant prohibitively instead. Hemp growers had to register with the government; sellers and buyers had to fill out cumbersome paperwork; and, of course, it was a federal crime not to comply. Part 2. Tomorrow--Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #97-Reefer Mdnss-2Date: 95-04-28 10:31:09 EDT From: ADBryan The following post was taken from: Newsgroups: alt.hemp Subject: Reefer Madness??? Date: 9 Jun 1994 04:27:08 -0400 Part Duex. Essay: Reefer Madness? By Dune Hartsell For selling an ounce or less of marijuana to an unregistered person, the federal tax was 100 dollars. (To give some sense on how prohibitive the tax was, "legitimate" marijuana was selling for $2 a pound at the time. In 1994 dollars, the federal tax would be roughly 2,000 dollars an ounce.) The Marijuana Tax Act effectively destroyed all legitimate commercial cultivation of hemp. Limited medical use was permitted, but as hemp derivatives became prohibitively expensive for doctors and pharmacists, they turned to chemically derived drugs instead. All other nonmedical uses, from rope to industrial lubricants, were taxed out of existence. With most of their markets gone, farmers stopped growing hemp, and the legitimate industry disappeared. Ironically, though, hemp continued to grow wild all over the country, and its "illegitimate" use was little affected by Congress. Was a viable hemp industry forced out of existence because it was a threat to people's health or because it was a threat to a few large businesses that would profit from banning it? Here are some facts, hemp was outlawed just as a new technology would have made hemp paper far cheaper than wood-pulp paper. Traditionally, hemp fiber had to be separated from the stalk by hand, and the cost of labor made this method uncompetitive. But in 1937, the year that hemp was outlawed, the decoricator machine was invented; it could process as much as three tons of hemp an hour and produced higher quality fibers with less loss of fiber than wood-based pulp. According to some scientists, hemp would have been able to undercut competing products overnight. Enthusiastic about the new technology, Popular Mechanics predicted that hemp would become America's first "billion dollar crop." The magazine pointed out that "10,000 acres devoted to hemp will produce as much paper as 40,000 acres of average [forest] pulp land." According to Jack Herer, an expert on the "hemp conspiracy," Hearst, the Du Ponts and other "industrial barons and financiers knew that machinery to cut, bale, decoriticate (separate fiber from the stalk) and process hemp into paper was becoming available in the mid 1930's." (The Emperor Wears No Clothes ) Hearst, one of the promoters of the anti-hemp hysteria, had a vested interest in protecting the pulp industry. Hearst owned enormous timber acreage; competition from hemp paper might have driven the Hearst paper-manufacturing division out of business and cause the value of his acreage to plummet. (ibid) Herer says that Hearst was even responsible for popularizing the term "marijuana" in American culture. In fact, he suggests, popularizing the word was a key strategy of Hearst's efforts: "The first step in creating hysteria was to introduce the element of fear of the unknown by using a word that no one had ever heard of before...'marijuana.'" (ibid) The DuPont Company also had an interest in the pulp industry. At this time, it was in the process of patenting a new sulfuric acid process for producing wood-pulp paper. According to the company's own records, wood-pulp products ultimately accounted for more than 80% of all of DuPont's railroad car loadings for the next 50 years. (ibid) But DuPont had even more reasons to be concerned about hemp. In the 1930's, the company was making drastic changes in its business strategy.Traditionally a manufacturer of military explosives, DuPont realized after the end of World War I that developing peacetime uses for artificial fibers and plastics would be more profitable in the long run. So it began pouring millions of dollars into research, Which resulted in the development of such synthetic fibers as rayon and nylon. Part 3 Final Part of this article tomorrow. Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #98-Reefer Mdnss-3Date: 95-04-29 10:34:26 EDT From: ADBryan The following was taken from: Newsgroups: alt.hemp Subject: Reefer Madness??? Date: 9 Jun 1994 04:27:08 -0400 Final Part. Essay: Reefer Madness? By Dune Hartsell -Two years before the prohibitive hemp tax, DuPont developed a new synthetic fiber, nylon, which was an ideal substitute for hemp rope. -The year after the hemp tax, DuPont was able to bring another "miracle" synthetic fabric onto the market, rayon. Rayon, which became widely used for clothing, was a direct competitor to hemp cloth. -"Congress and the Treasury Department were assured, through secret testimony given by DuPont, that Hemp-seed oil could be replaced with synthetic petrochemical oils made principally by DuPont." These oils were used in paints and other products.(ibid) The millions spent on these products, as well as the hundreds of millions in expected profits from them, could have been wiped out if the newly affordable hemp products were allowed on the market. So, according to Herer, DuPont worked with Hearst to eliminate hemp. DuPont's point man was none other than Harry Anslinger, the commissioner of the FBN. Anslinger was appointed to the FBN by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who was also chairman of the Mellon Bank, DuPont's chief financial backer. But Anslinger's relationship to Mellon wasn't just political; he was also married to Mellon's niece. Anslinger apparently used his political clout to sway congressional opinion on the hemp tax. According to Herer, the American Medical Association (AMA) tried to argue for the medical benefits of hemp. But after the AMA officials testified to Congress, "they were quickly denounced by Anslinger and the entire congressional committee, and curtly excused." Five years after the hemp tax was imposed, when Japanese seizure of Philippine hemp caused a wartime shortage of rope, the government reversed itself. Overnight, the U.S. government urged hemp cultivation once again and created a stirring movie called "Hemp for Victory" then, just as quickly, it recriminalized hemp after the shortage had passed. While U.S. hemp was temporarily legal, however, it saved the life of a young pilot named George Bush, who was forced to bail out of his burning airplane after a battle over the Pacific. At the time he didn't know that: -Parts of his aircraft engine were lubricated with hemp-seed oil. -100% of his life-saving parachute webbing was made from U.S. grown hemp. -Virtually all of the rigging and lines of the ship that rescued him were made of hemp. -The flightsuit on his back was a rubberized hemp-cloth. -The fire hoses on the ship were woven from hemp Ironically, President Bush consistently opposed decriminalizing hemp grown in the United States. Does the hemp conspiracy continue? in March 1992, Robert Bonner, the chief of the Drug Enforcement Agency, effectively rejected a petition to permit doctors to prescribe marijuana for patients as medication for chronic pain. Bonner said: "Beyond doubt the claims that marijuana is medicine are false, dangerous and cruel." But, according to a federal administrative law judge, Francis Young, "The record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people and doing so with safety under medical supervision." ( The New York Times) There WILL be a Sunday post, now that I have a new computer at the house. Can't believe I'm almost to FACT 100. I hope those of you that read my daily post are sharing the information with others. I have no clue as to how many people read this post, but I've heard it's quite a few. See ya manana.. Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #99-OrganizationsDate: 95-04-30 11:28:45 EDT From: ADBryan Just in case anyone is interested in joining the fight for Truth, Justice and The American Way :-). RELEGALIZE IT!!! REGIONAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS DEDICATED TO PERSONAL FREEDOM, SOCIAL CHANGE AND DRUG LAW REFORM NATIONAL GROUPS To call or write a NORML chapter, contact the national office: NORML 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 1010 Washington, DC 20036 Alabama TEACH 3103 Susan Moore Road Blountsville, AL 35031 Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics and Marijuana-AIDS Research PO Box 21210 Kalorama Station Washington, DC 20009 (202) 483-8595 American Anti-Prohibition League 4017 Southeast Belmont St., Box 103 Portland, OR 97214 (503) 235-4524 Fax (503) 234-1330 American Cannabis Society PO Box 9208 Madison, WI 53715 (800) 256-7424 American Civil Liberties Union 132 W. 43rd St. New York, NY 10036 (212) 944-9800 Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) PO Box 71093 Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093 (310) 288-4152 Cannabis Action Network (CAN) 4428 South Carrollton New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 482-4094 Cannabis Research Institute PO Box 11008 Portland, OR 97211 (503) 282-9388 Cannabis Action Network (CAN) 2560 Bancroft Way, #46 Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 486-8083 Clergy for Enlightened Drug Policy St. Luke's Methodist Church Wisconsin Avenue and Calvert St., N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Drug Policy Foundation (DPF) 4455 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite B-500 Washington, DC 20008-2302 (202) 537-5005 Emergency Coalition for Medical Cannabis 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite B-500 Washington, DC 20036 Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20004 (202) 457-5790 The Future of Freedom Foundation PO Box 9752 Denver, CO 80209 Green Panthers! PO Box 31231 Cincinnati, OH 45231-0231 (513) 522-6264 Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Box 42, Student Organization Southeast Missouri State Univ. I University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) 5632 Van Nuys Blvd., #210 Van Nuys, CA 91401 (310) 392-1806 Hemp Advocates PO Box 10176 South Bend, IN 46680 Illinois Marijuana Initiative PO Box 2242 Darien, IL 60559 Institute for HEMP PO Box 65130 St. Paul, MN 55165 (612) 222-2628 Libertarian Party 1528 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. Washington, DC 20003 (202) 543-1988 Maine Vocals PO Box 189 Anson, ME 04911 Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MASS CAN) One Homestead Rd. Marblehead, MA 01945 (617) 944-CANN Medical Hemp University Box 1322 Buda, TX 78610 Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Inc. 1801 Tippah Avenue Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) 358-9830 National Coalition Against Prohibition 187 Acalanes Drive, Apt. 14 Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5520 (415) 964-3655 National Drug Strategy Network 1899 L St., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 835-9075 New Yorkers for Drug Policy Reform, Inc. 226 West 4th St., Suite 4 New York, NY 10014 (718) 392-5036 North Idaho TEACH PO Box 155 Sagle, ID 83860 Partnership for Responsible Drug Information, Inc. 226 West 4th St., Suite 4 New York, NY 10014 (718) 392-5036 Progressive Action Alliance! PO Box 4935 East Lansing, MI 48826-4935 TEACH PO Box 1297 Youngstown, FL 32466 Texas Hemp Campaign PO Box 13549 Austin, TX 78711 (512) 837-4674 U-Mass at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition S.A.O. Mailbox #2 Student Union Bldg., UMASS Amherst, MA 01003 Vermont Civil Coalition Against Prohibition 63 George St. Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 864-7107 Vermonters for Pot Peace PO Box 237 Underhill, VT 05489 Vermont Grassroots Party PO Box 537 Waitsfield, VT 05673 (802) 496-2387 Vermont Vocals RFD 1, Box 148 Newport, VT 05855 Virginia BACH Route 1, Box 2142 Crewe, VA 23930 (804) 645-1038 Washington Cannabis Movement 7219 120th Street Seattle, WA 98178 (206) 548-8043 Tomorrow--Hemp FACT 100--Review and Preview--Pass it on :-) Hemp FACT #100-Personal ViewsDate: 95-05-01 09:27:12 EDT From: ADBryan HEMP FACT OF THE DAY #100 (fireworks, cheers, etc. ;-) -- My Personal Feelings. What an education I have had since I started these posts. I knew many of the FACTS, but I didn't know all of them especially all of the medical and industrial uses for hemp. I realize there are many under age 18 on AOL. I DO NOT ADVOCATE THE USE OF ANY SUBSTANCE THAT MIGHT BE HARMFUL TO ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. (Wait until you're in college to experiment. I did. It'll give you something to look forward too ;-) I would like to thank those of you that have been reading Hemp FACTS over the past few months. I can't believe this is #100. I still have no idea how many of you are reading this information. I have tried to get the numbers from AOL, but was told they are not available. The best guess I have is anywhere from 100-200 on the low side to maybe a few thousand. The information posted here is meant to be shared with others. Make copies of the documents and post them to other boards (something other than AOL) or email them to people that NEED to read them. One of the things I would like to see from the ones of you that frequent the "chat areas", is to engage people in meaningful discussion on how the WOD has failed miserably. Then direct them to this or any of the other areas where the WOD is discussed. The more people that become familiar with the FACTS, the better chance we have of ending the WOD. My company writes software for insurance companies and agents, and I will engage the "ties" on this subject. I have never had ONE disagree with me after I laid out the FACTS. Of course I don't talk to every single one of them about it, but any time I can manipulate the conversation in that direction, I make my point. Many people fear to publically speak of ending the WOD for fear of being labeled as a drug user. One of the things I tell the insurance people, is that is people want to go knock themselves out on drugs, that's their problem. For those addicted, it's a medical problem. When someone says that if drugs are legal, there will be rampant drug use, ask them if they are going to be 1st in line at the cocaine counter. They will usually get your point. Another thing to point out is the mandatory sentences for drug offenders. This is why our jails are overcrowded. It pushes the violent offenders back on the streets, 'cause there's no room for them in prison. Remember, "Send a druggie to jail, set a rapist free." |
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