Historical Research on Drug Policy
Recommended Reading
- New! The Reefer
Madness Collection - Hundreds of examples of hilarious Reefer
Madness from history.
- New! - Medical Marijuana Throughout History
- Pictures of more than 100 medicines that once contained cannabis
- An Enterprising Turk,
The New York Times July 1, 1890, p. 8 This is a story about how a Turk decided to sell
diluted opium and was quickly driven out of business by public exposure.
- An "Opium
Joint" Raided. The New York Times September 28, 1891, p. 2.
- The San Francisco
Opium Joints -- The Review of Reviews 5 June (1892), p. 604
A lurid description of the San Francisco opium dens. It is worth noting that San
Francisco had passed ordinances outlawing opium smoking in opium dens some 17 years before
this article was written.
Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report,
- Orgies of
the Hemp Eaters, From the New York Herald, Friday, March 15, 1895
- In The Land of Opium.
- The Immense Areas Given to the Growth of the Poppy - The New York Times March 29, 1896,
p. 28
- Oil-Producing Seeds -
Hemp, USDA Yearbook, 1896
- A Short History of the
Chinese Opium Wars
- Bayer Advertisement for
Heroin, 1897
- Mescal: A New
Artificial Paradise, by Havelock Ellis The Contemporary Review January
- The Opium Industry in
America by C.F. Holder, Scientific American 1898, p. 147 This is a
review of the opium industry as it existed in the late 19th century.
- Alcohol and Opium
Compared: Opinions of over 100 Physicians on the use of Opium in China
-- Compiled by William Hector Park, M.D., American Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai,
Nineteenth Century
America - "a dope fiends paradise" - Chapter 1 of the
Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs, 1972
Opiates for pain relief, for
tranquilization, and for pleasure - Chapter 2 of the Consumers Union
Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs, 1972
What kinds of people used opiates?
- Chapter 3 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs, 1972
Some eminent narcotics addicts
- Chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs, 1972
- The Case of Dr.
Sigmund Freud - Chapter 24 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and
Illicit Drugs.
- Cannabis Indica Poisoning
BY J.C. O'DAY, M.D. The Plexus, 1899-1900