Historical Research on Drug Policy
Recommended Reading
- New! The Reefer
Madness Collection - Hundreds of examples of hilarious Reefer
Madness from history.
Federal Court Decisions 1940-1949
- Pinch Hitters for Defense -
Popular Mechanics, December, 1941
Hemp For Victory -
By the US Department of Agriculture, 1942
- This is the transcript of the film done by the USDA to encourage farmers to grow hemp
(marijuana) during World War II, because it was a vital resource for such uses as ropes,
heavy cloth, etc.
- Grow
Hemp for War (World War II Poster)
- Federal Agents Move
on Narcotics Racket - New York Times April 9, 1942 - Concerted Raids
Made Here and in Arizona-- 17 Indicted Here
- War Demands More Hemp
- June, 1942 Source: Farm Journal and Farmer's Wife
- Narcotics
Traffic is Curbed by War, New York Times September 27, 1942-
League of Nations Section in Report Stresses Breach in Communications - Post-War Control
Urged- Problems in Legitimate Use of 'Dangerous Drugs' Due to War Also Outlined
- A Crop for the Duration is . . .
HEMP IN ILLINOIS - : January, 1943 - The Illinois Agriculturist
Author: Larry Mowers '45 Page: 56
- Gene Krupa is
Arrested - New York Times January 21, 1943 He Denies He Sent Boy
to Get Marihuana Cigarettes
- Krupa Sentenced in Drug
Case - New York Times May 19, 1943
- Can We Have
Rope Without Dope? - September, 1943 - Popular Science
- Hemp Seed Project for 4-H Clubs
- 1943
The La Guardia Committee Report
on Marijuana -- One of the most significant studies of marijuana.
- Experts Discount Marijuana as Big Factor
In Crime but Drive on It Will Be Pressed
This is an article from the New York Times, January 12, 1945, reporting the conclusions
of the La Guardia Committee Report on marijuana. The committee found that the fears about
marijuana were "unfounded" but the politicians swore to keep up the fight
- Marijuana
Traffic is on the Increase - New York Times January 31, 1945 This City Is
Focal Point, Says Treasury, Reporting Also More Heroin and Less Opium
- The Physician and the
Federal Narcotic Law by Harry J. Anslinger - United
States Commissioner of Narcotics. From: Tulane Law Review, Vol. XX No. 3, March 1946 pp.
- Junk Boats Barred from Harbor
Here - NY Times May 12, 1946
- Senate Confirms
Anslinger - NY Times, June 7, 1946
- Big Narcotic Cache
Seized on Vessel - New York Times February 5, 1947-- Ship From
France Yields Heroin Valued at $250,000-- Called Largest Haul in 9 Years
- Senate Votes Narcotics Treaty
- NY Times June 25, 1947
- Day Length and Flowering - Hemp
- USDA Yearbook, 1947
- Drug Seizures
Increase - New York Times February 8, 1948 - Treasury reports More
Illicit Traffic and Lower Prices
- Customs Tightens
Vigil on Narcotics - New York Times, March 10, 1948 - Efforts to
frustrate Attempts at Smuggling Aboard Ships Spurred by Recent Haul
- Narcotics Protocol
Signed by 47 Nations - The New York Times November 20, 1948
- Seizures Reach Peak
in Cocaine and Heroin - The New York Times March 5, 1949
- LSD is discovered
- Chapter 46 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs