What is DEP?
The Drug Education Project (DEP) is an attempt to clear up the misinformation being
propagated in the U.S. by organizations and individuals more interested in creating works
of propaganda and fear than objective pieces of education. DEP is founded upon the same
two basic principles Andrew Weil bases his book, From Chocolate to Morphine, upon: (1)
"People make decisions on the basis of information available to them. The more
accurate the information, the better their decisions will be" [68, p. 179]; and (2)
"There are no good or bad drugs; there are only good and bad relationships with
drugs" [68, p. 27]. This leaflet is the first in a series of sixteen that will
attempt to summarize for everyone what science has to say about drug use. The grunt work
has been done for you. DEP only requests of you an open mind and the time required to read
these leaflets.
What is this leaflet all about?
This leaflet is intended for informational purposes only. DEP does not encourage or
discourage the use of any intoxicant. Although we have tried to include as much
information as possible, this pamphlet may not be comprehensive because of space
constraints. To receive all of the DEP leaflets for free, send a self-addressed stamped
envelope (preferably business-sized) to DEP, c/o Christopher B. Reeve, Box #2038, 1000
Morewood Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. To provide DEP with suggestions and/or comments,
write to the above address or email via internet cr39@andrew.cmu.edu. DEP urges you to
photocopy, post, and distribute this paper in an unaltered form as much as possible. Our
nation's strength is in knowledge, not fear. DEP is your objective source of information.
"There is an outright propaganda campaign being presented through the
informational media, and there is no challenge being brought by those who know the facts
and should be insisting on adherence to the truth."
- Alexander and Ann Shulgin, PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story, p. 442
Health Risk Myths and Realities
Marijuana Overdose
No evidence exists that anyone has ever died of a marijuana overdose [61, p. 53 - 54].
Tests performed on mice have shown that the ratio of cannabinoids (the chemicals in
marijuana that make you stoned) necessary for overdose to the amount necessary for
intoxication is 40,000:1 [1]. For comparison's sake, that ratio for alcohol is generally
between 4:1 and 10:1 [61, p. 227-228]. Alcohol overdoses kill about 5,000 yearly [3] but
marijuana overdoses kill no one as far as anyone can tell.
Brain Damage
Marijuana is psychoactive because it stimulates certain brain receptors, but it does
not produce toxins that kill them [7] (like alcohol), and it does not wear them out as
other drugs may [57]. There is no evidence that marijuana use is a cause of brain damage.
Studies by Dr. Robert Heath claimed the contrary in experiments on monkeys [4], but
Heath's work has been sharply criticized by the Institute of Medicine and the National
Academy of Sciences on three primary counts:
- its insufficient sample size (only four monkeys),
- its failure to control experimental bias, and
- its misidentification of normal monkey brain structure as "damaged" [5].
A far superior experiment by the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)
involving 64 rhesus monkeys that were exposed to daily or weekly doses of marijuana smoke
for a year found no evidence of structural or neurochemical changes in the brains of
rhesus monkeys [6, 58]. Studies performed on actual human populations will confirm these
results, even for chronic marijuana users (up to 18 joints per day) after many years of
use [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. In fact, following the publication of two 1977 JAMA studies, the
American Medical Association (AMA) officially announced its support for the
decriminalization of marijuana.
Contrary to a 1987 television commercial sponsored by the Partnership for a Drug-Free
America (PDFA), marijuana does not "flatten" brain waves either. In the
commercial, a normal human brain wave was compared to what was supposedly the (much
flatter) brain wave of a 14-year-old high on marijuana. It was actually the brain wave of
a coma patient [2]. PDFA lied about the data, and had to pull the commercial off of the
air when researchers complained to the television networks [62, p. 74].
In reality, marijuana has the effect of slightly increasing alpha-wave activity. Alpha
waves are generally associated with meditative and relaxed states which are, in turn,
often associated with human creativity [13].
Marijuana does impair short-term memory, but only during intoxication. Although the
authoritative studies on marijuana use seem to agree that there is no residual impairment
following intoxication [5, 6, 13], persistent impairment of short-term memory has been
noted in chronic marijuana smokers up to 6 and 12 weeks following abstinence [70].
Heart Problems
It is accepted in medical circles today that marijuana use causes no evident long-term
cardiovascular problems for normal persons. However, marijuana-smoking does cause changes
in the heart and body's circulation characteristic of stress, which may complicate
preexisting cardiovascular problems like hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, and
coronary atherosclerosis [5, p. 72]. Marijuana's effects upon blood pressure are complex
and inconsistent [5, p. 66 - 67].
Chronic marijuana use has not been found to alter testosterone or other sex hormone
levels, despite the conclusions of Dr. R.C. Kolodony's 1974 study. Seven similar studies
have been performed since then, the most recent by a Dr. Robert Block at the University of
Iowa [14], and none have reproduced Kolodony's results. In contrast, heavy alcohol use is
known to lower these same testosterone levels [65].
Reproductive Damage
No trustworthy study has ever shown that marijuana use damages the reproductive system,
or causes chromosome breakage. Dr. Gabriel Nahas reached the opposite conclusion in his
experiments performed in the early 1980s, but did so in part using the in vitro (i.e., in
test tubes and petrii dishes) cells of rhesus monkeys. His rather unjustified claim that
these changes would also occur in human bodies in vivo (in the body) was criticized by his
colleagues and, in 1983, he renounced his own results.
Studies of actual human populations have failed to demonstrate that marijuana adversely
affects the reproductive system [61, 5]. Wu et al. found in 1988 a correlation between
marijuana use and low sperm counts in human males. But this is misleading because (1) a
decrease in sperm count has not been shown to have a negative effect on fertility, and (2)
the sperm count returned to normal levels after marijuana use had ceased [5].
Claims that marijuana use may impair hormone production, menstrual cycles, or fertility
in females are both unproven and unfounded [43].
The Immune System
Studies in which lab rats were injected with extremely large quantities of THC have
found that marijuana (in such unrealistically huge quantities) does have an
"immunosuppressive effect" in those lab rats, in that it temporarily shuts off
certain cells in the liver called lymphocytes and macrophages. These macrophages are
useful in fighting off bacterial, not viral, infections. But this is only for the duration
of intoxication [46]. There also exists some evidence that marijuana metabolites stay in
the lungs for up to seven months after smoking has ceased, possibly affecting the immune
system of the lungs (but not by turning the cells off) [47]. This said, doctors and
researchers are still not sure that the immune system is actually negatively affected in
realistic situations since there are no numbers to support the idea [15]. In fact, three
studies showed that THC may have actually stimulated the immune system in the people
studied [16, 17, 18].
Birth Defects
Unlike alcohol, cocaine, and tobacco, studies show that there exists no evident link
between prenatal use of marijuana and birth defects [5, p. 99] or fetal alcohol syndrome
[72] in humans. In fact, marijuana use during the third trimester has been found to have a
positive impact on birthweight [73]. It is known that Delta-9-THC does enter the placenta
[45], so mothers are advised against consuming large quantities.
Smoking marijuana has the potential to cause both bronchitis and cancer of the lungs,
throat, and neck, but this is generally no different than inhaling any other burnt
carbon-containing matter since they all increase the number of lesions (and therefore
possible infections) in your airways. There are a couple of studies that claim on the
basis of carcinogens that smoking marijuana is worse for your body than smoking a
cigarette [44], but these are rather simplified. There are actually some very convincing
reasons to believe that smoking cigarettes is relatively more dangerous to the body than
smoking marijuana on more than one count: (1) It is accepted by a growing number of
scientists today that all American cigarettes contain significant levels of polonium-210
[22], the same sort of radiation given off by the plutonium of atom bombs (ionizing alpha
radiation). It just so happens that the tobacco plant's roots and leaves are especially
good at absorbing radioactive elements from uranium-containing phosphate fertilizers that
are required by U.S. law, and from naturally occurring radiation in the soil, air, and
water [48]. It is the opinion of C. Everette Koop that this radioactivity, not tar,
accounts for at least 90% of all smoking-related lung cancer [29]. Other estimates that
have been made are, about 50% according to Dr. Joseph R. DiFranza of the Univ. of Mass.
Medical Center [48] and according to Dr. Edward Martell, a radiochemist with the National
Center for Atmospheric Research, 95% [35]. Dr. R.T. Ravenholt, former director of World
Health Surveys at the Centers for Disease Control, agrees with the risk, asserting that
"Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other
source" [49]. Supporting the radioactivity notion is the finding that (a) Relatively
high levels of polonium-210 have been found in both cigarette smoke [59] and the lungs of
both smokers and nonsmokers alike [60]; (b) Smokers of low-tar-and-nicotine cigarettes die
of lung cancer just as much as smokers of other cigarettes [39]; and also, (c) Even the
most potent carcinogen that has been found in cigarettes, benzopyrene, is only present in
quantities sufficient to account for about 1% of the lung cancer cases that occur from
Why don't you know any of this?
Because the tobacco industry is suppressing the information. (2) Tobacco smoke is
theorized to work as a kind of "magnet" for airborne radioactive particles such
as radon, causing them to deposit in your lungs instead of on walls, rugs, or draperies
[48]. (3) Tobacco, unlike marijuana, contains nicotine, which may harden arteries and
cause many of the cases of heart disease associated with tobacco use. It also breaks down
into cancer-promoting chemicals called N Nitrosamines when burned, and perhaps even when
it is inside the body [37]. (4) THC is a bronchial dilator, which means it works like a
cough drop by opening up your lungs and therefore aiding in the clearance of smoke and
dirt. Nicotine has the exact opposite effect. (5) Unlike the chemicals in marijuana,
nicotine has a paralyzing effect on the tiny hairs along the body's air passages. These
hairs normally work to keep foreign matter out of the lungs. This means that carcinogenic
tar from cigarette smoke is relatively much harder to purge from your lungs than is that
from marijuana. And finally, (6) Marijuana users smoke significantly less than cigarette
smokers do because of both marijuana's psychoactive properties (this is called
"auto-titration") and nicotine's high potential for physical addiction [21]. It
is important to note that the NCTR study found no signs of lung cancer in its autopsied
rhesus monkeys who had smoked marijuana for one year [6].
Smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana negatively affect different areas of the body,
and therefore cause different problems. But everything considered, marijuana-only smokers
who average 3 - 4 joints per day show similar symptoms to cigarette smokers who polish off
20 in a day [74]. Although one well-done study tells us that frequent marijuana smokers
have a 19% greater risk of respiratory diseases than people who smoke nothing at all [66],
it seems that neck and throat cancers are much more likely to result than lung cancer or
emphysema. This is because, unlike tobacco, marijuana does not penetrate deeply into the
lung. In order to minimize the risk of acquiring neck or throat cancer from marijuana
smoke, it is best to (1) avoid as much as possible cigarette-smoking and heavy drinking
while smoking marijuana, and (2) eat plenty of vegetables (such as carrots, broccoli,
squash, and sprouts) or vitamin supplements of beta carotene, vitamins A, C and E, and
selenium [65]. These are believed to impede cancer's progress.
In addition, there are actually things that can be done to reduce and even entirely
eliminate the bodily harm that may potentially result from smoking marijuana. This is
possible because all of the principle psychoactive ingredients of marijuana (THC and the
cannabinoids) are neither mutagenic (gene-mutating) nor carcinogenic (cancer-causing)
Legalizing marijuana would make (better) water bongs and marijuana foods, drinks, and
pills both less expensive and more accessible. Smoking marijuana through a water-filled
bong will cool the smoke and there is reason to believe that it will filter some of the
carcinogens [69, 36]. Eating or drinking marijuana effectively eliminates all negative
effects. In addition, it is conceivable that an aerosol contraption or vaporizer, commonly
called a tilt pipe, could easily be constructed that would surpass joints in efficiency,
match them in onset and control of effects, and yet would be effectively harmless to the
Fat Cells
One of the more ridiculous myths being circulated is that marijuana stays in your fat
cells and can keep you high for months. Even though they may have similar names, the
psychoactive THC (Delta-9-THC) is different from the metabolites (for instance, 11-OH-THC
and 11-nor) that your body breaks it down into in that the latter will not get you stoned.
It is the metabolites that stay in your fatty cells and show up on drug tests. Your body
is depleted of Delta-9-THC only hours after ingestion [40, 41].
Other MJ Myths and Realities
Amotivational Syndrome
Amotivational syndrome is defined as a condition in which a person loses ambition or
motivation to complete tasks that he would normally like to have completed. Claims made in
the 60's that marijuana use resulted in amotivational syndrome were predominantly founded
on stereotypes. But more recently, the carefully-designed NCTR study has actually
confirmed these suspicions under certain conditions. It found that marijuana use may
consistently produce something akin to amotivational syndrome in adolescent monkeys. It
did not however prove that marijuana makes adolescents apathetic or depressed. A full
recovery to normal motivation levels was typically observed to occur between two to three
months following cessation of exposure. For unknown reasons, one monkey was observed to
never fully recover. Surprisingly, the willingness to work appeared to be equally affected
in both the daily and weekend rhesus smokers in the study [6]. Other studies have failed
to prove amotivational syndrome in adults [42], so there is much reason to believe that
this effect only occurs during adolescent use.
Marijuana Potency
Marijuana is not significantly more potent today than it has been in the past [23]. It
is generally agreed that this myth was the result of bad data. The researchers making the
claims used as their baseline the THC content of marijuana seized by police in the early
1970's, which had deteriorated since then because of poor storage conditions [23]. In
reality, it seems that domestic marijuana's average potency probably doubled in the 70's
with the advent of sinsemilla, but has remained more or less constant since then [65].
Scare tactics claiming that marijuana potency has increased are rather irrelevant anyways
since marijuana users typically stop smoking when the desired effect is achieved (once
again, "auto-titration"). Contrary to one of DARE's allegations [28], it is
generally agreed that marijuana does not create a tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, or
physical dependence in the user. Lester Grinspoon adds, "there are many who assert
that there is nevertheless drug dependence because of [marijuana's] capacity to generate
psychic dependency. However it is not at all clear that this type of dependency is
essentially any different from that which a man may develop with respect to his trousers,
his automobile, or his wife" [61, p. 234].
Driving in any inebriated state is adding complication to what already amounts to a
constant life-threatening situation. That said, the National Highway Transportation Safety
Administration (NHTSA) summarized all of its studies by saying that there was "no
indication that marijuana by itself was a cause of fatal accidents," and that alcohol
was by far the "dominant problem" in drug-related accidents [32]. The Victorian
Institute of Forensic Pathology and Monash University's Department of Forensic Medicine in
Melbourne, Australia have found that drivers who use cannabis are actually less likely to
cause fatal accidents than drug-free drivers, and are no more likely than other drivers to
be killed or seriously injured in road accidents [33]. One experiment tested
marijuana-intoxicated drivers on both a closed course and on a crowded city street. It
found that the elements of driving most affected were concentration and judgment [52]. An
experiment involving a driving simulator that tested actual driving ability according to
how many mistakes are incurred by sober, drunk, and high subjects found that marijuana,
unlike alcohol, does not significantly affect driving ability. It was found that these
results hold true for even higher doses (within reason) and inexperienced marijuana users.
In fact, the only significant difference reported by the stoned subjects was an altered
perception of time, which effectively made them drive relatively slower [50]. A similar
study found that marijuana additionally impairs the driver's ability to attend to
peripheral stimuli [71]. One theory attempting to explain these surprising findings states
that marijuana users, in instances requiring seriousness, are in fact able to willingly
"bring themselves down," such that they are no longer high [51]. Studies that in
the past have shown that marjuana-intoxicated drivers cause significantly more accidents
than sober drivers are typically unreliable on one or more of the following counts: (1)
They use drug tests to determine whether or not a person is high, and drug tests in use
only indicate use over the past 30 days; (2) Some studies have not corrected for alcohol
use, or do not provide a control group; and (3) In many studies there were relatively more
stoned drivers killed, but it was not their fault. And when the police "culpability
scores" were tallied and factored in, marijuana was generally not to blame for the
accidents. It must be emphasized however that one study shows that daily marijuana smokers
tend to have a 30% higher risk of injuries than non-users [66]. In fact, accidents
resulting from intoxication are thought to be "the number one hazard of marijuana
use" [67].
The Gateway Effect
Marijuana use has not been found to act as a gateway drug to the use of harder drugs.
Studies show that when the Dutch partially legalized marijuana in the 70's, heroin and
cocaine use substantially declined, despite a slight increase in marijuana use [24]. If
the stepping stone theory were true, use should have gone up rather than down. In reality,
it appears that marijuana use tends to substitute for the use of relatively more dangerous
hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, rather than lead to their use. Thus, oftentimes strict
marijuana laws themselves are the most significant factor involved in moving on to harder
drugs like cocaine. Such is the case in Nevada and Arizona, the states toughest on
marijuana use [65]. A recent study by Columbia University's Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse attempts to show, like many past studies have, that marijuana users are
more likely to use heroin or cocaine. But what the study actually does show is that a
large number of heroin or cocaine users have used marijuana, not the reverse. What is not
mentioned is that just as many or even more had probably also drank alcohol, smoked
cigarettes, had sex, or eaten sandwiches prior to their hard drug use. In fact, a National
High School survey tells us that in 1990, 40.7% of all high school students had tried
marijuana or hashish at least once, whereas only 9.4% and 1.3% had ever used cocaine and
heroin, respectively [25]. Thus, at maximum, only 23% of marijuana users go on to use
cocaine, and only 3% go on to use heroin. Thus, the stepping stone theory fails on even
empirical grounds.
Marijuana and Crime
DARE literature would have you believe that there exists a strong correlation between
marijuana use and juvenile and young adult crime [28]. And a recent study attempts to
present a link between marijuana use and violence by stating that 2/3 of all students who
admit to taking a gun to school at least once had smoked marijuana. In fact, DEA head
Thomas Constantine recently stated in a Washington Times interview that "Many times
people talk about the nonviolent drug offender. That is a rare species. There is not some
sterile drug type not involved in violence who is contributing some good to the community;
that is ridiculous. They are contributing nothing but evil." But these allegations
are unsupported by research because test results show that changes in personality
resulting from marijuana use, even though they are not relatively significant, include
among other things a lessening of aggressive trends [34]. And large population studies
such as the La Guardia report [10] have found that, if anything, marijuana use inhibits
antisocial activity such as violence [20]. The drug-inspired violence myth, including a
comprehensive history of its conception, is discussed at great length in Lester
Grinspoon's book, where it is shown to be based largely on a distorted Persian story that
is hundreds of years old [61]. The problem inherent in drawing conclusions based on
correlations such as the 2/3 statistic above is that causality cannot be inferred from
correlation. In other words, there is no way of determining whether marijuana use
contributed in some way to the existence of certain traits of marijuana users, i.e.
bringing a gun to school, or, as seems entirely more likely, people with such traits are
drawn to marijuana use. One study found that chronic marijuana users had significantly
higher WAIS IQ scores (113.08) than both moderate users (102.15) and nonusers (103.26)
[30]. It is simply impossible to make sense of such statistics as presented.
[1] Mikuriya, T.H. "Historical Aspects of Cannabis Sativa in Western
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[2] Cotts, Cynthia, "Hard Sell in the Drug War." The Nation. March 9, 1992. p
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[3] Nadelmann, Ethan A. "Drug Prohibition in the United States: Costs,
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[4] Heath, R.G., A.T. Fitzjarrell, C.J. Fontana, and R.E. Garey. "Cannabis sativa:
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[5] Marijuana and Health, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1982.
[6] Slikker, William Jr. et al. "Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological
Effects of Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate" in
"Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and Neurophysiology,'' Laura Murphy, Andrzej
Bartke ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1992.
[7] Matsuda, L.A., S.J. Lolait, M.J. Brownstein, A.C. Young, and T.I. Bonner.
"Structure of a Cannabinoid Receptor," Nature, 346 (issue 6824): 561-564.
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[8] Co, B.T., D.W. Goodwin, M. Gado, M. Mikhael, and S.Y. Hill. "Absence of
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[9] Kuehnle, J., J.H. Mendelson, K.R. Davis, and P.F.J. New. "Computed topographic
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[10] Lancaster, Cattell. Mayor's Committee on Marijuana. The Marijuana Problem in the
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[11] Freedman and Rockmore, "Marihuana: A Factor in Personality Evaluation,"
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[12] Siler et al., "Marihuana Smoking in Panama," The Military Surgeon, 73:
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[13] R. L. Dornbush, M.D., M. Fink, M.D., and A. M. Freedman, M.D. "Marijuana,
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[14] Block, Robert, M.D. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 28: 121-8, 1991.
[15] Hollister, Leo E. "Marijuana and Immunity", Journal of Psychoactive
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[16] Kaklamani, et al. "Hashish smoking and T- lymphocytes," 1978.
[17] Kalofoutis et al. "The significance of lymphocyte lipid changes after smoking
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[18] Wallace, J.M., D.P. Tashkin, J.S. Oishi, R.G. Barbers. "Peripheral Blood
Lymphocyte Subpopulations and Mitogen Responsiveness in Tobacco and Marijuana
Smokers," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1988.
[20] Kaplan, John. Marijuana, The New Prohibition, New York, World Publishing Co.,
[21] Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction, Surgeon General's Report,
[22] Winters, T.H., and J.R. Franza. "Radioactivity in Cigarette Smoke." New
England Journal of Medicine, 1982: 306 (6): 364-365.
[23] Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D., and Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D. "Cannabis 1988, Old
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Issue 1: 47-55. pub. Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury
Free Medical Clinic San Francisco, Calif.: January March, 1988.
[24] Dennis, Richard J. "The Economics of Legalizing Drugs," The Atlantic
Monthly, Vol. 266, No. 5, Nov 1990, p. 130.
[25] Data supplied by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration. Revised January, 1991. For
more information contact the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Info., P.O. Box
2345, Rockville, Maryland 20847 / (800) 729-6686.
[28] the name of the DARE pamphlet is "Facts About Marijuana; Marijuana: Drug of
[29] Nationally-televised speech in 1990
[30] Singer, Jerome L. "Ongoing Thought: The Normative Baseline for Alternate
States of Consciousness," Alternate States of Consciousness.
[32] The NHTSA report, "The Incidence and Role of Drugs in Fatally Injured
Drivers," by K.W. Terhune, et al. of the Calspan Corp. Accident Research Group in
Buffalo, NY (Report # DOT-HS-808-065) is available from the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield VA 22161.
[33] Bruer, Mark. Age, March 23, 1994, p. 3 [Melbourne, Australia; this report is also
published in the university's
Business Victoria].
[34] Halpern. "Emotional Reactions and General Personality Structure," The
Marihuana Problem, pp. 130 - 131.
[35] Martell, Edward. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Biophysics, and
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[36] Hoffmann, Dietrich, Gunter Rathkamp, and Ernest L. Wynder. "Comparison of the
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[37] Hofmann, D., J.D. Adams, K.D. Brunnemann, and D.D. Hecht. "Formation,
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[39] Hammond, E.C., L. Garfinkel, H. Seidman, and E.A. Lew. "Some Recent findings
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[40] Starks, Michael, "Marijuana Chemistry Genetics, Processing, and
Potency'," Ronin Inc., 1990.
[41] Murphy, Laura, and Andrzej Bartke. "Marijuana Cannabinoid Neurobiology and
Neurophysiology," CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
[42] Mendelson, Dr. Jack H., "Behavioral and Biological Concomitants of Chronic
Marijuana Use," 1974.
[43] "Marihuana A Signal of Misunderstanding," U.S. Government Printing
Office Washington, 1972.
[44] Wu, Tzu Chin, Donald P. Tashkin, Behnam Djahed, and Jed E. Rose. "Pulmonary
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[45] Slikker, William Jr, H.C. Cunny, J.R. Bailey, and M.G. Paule. "Placental
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[46] Lyman, W.D., J.R. Sonett, C.F. Brosnan, R. Elkin, and M.B. Bornstein.
"Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol A Novel Treatment for Experimental Autoimmune
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[47] Cabral, Guy A., Amy L. Stinnet, John Bailey, Syed F. Ali, Merle G. Paul, Andrew C.
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[48] Ponte, Lowell. "Radioactivity: The New-Found Danger in Cigarettes,"
Reader's Digest, March 1986, pp. 123-127.
[49] Litwak, Mark. "Would You Still Rather Fight Than Switch?" Whole Life
Times, Mid-April/May, 1985, p. 11.
[50] Crancer, A., et al. "Comparison of the Effects of Marihuana and Alcohol on
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[51] Caldwell, D.F., et al. "Auditory and Visual Threshold Effects of Marihuana in
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[52] Klonoff, H. (1974). "Effects of marihuana on driving in a restricted area and
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[57] Westlake, Tracy M., Allyn C. Howlett, Syed F. Ali, Merle G. Paule, Andrew C.
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[58] Ali, Syed F., Glenn D. Newport, Andrew C. Scallet, Merle G. Paule, John R. Bailey,
William Slikker, Jr. "Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey IV
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[59] Radford EP Jr, and V.R. Hunt. "Polonium-210: a volatile radioelement in
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[60] Little JB, E.P. Radford Jr, H.L. McCombs, V.R. Hunt. "Distribution of
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Medicine. 1965, 273:1343-51.
[66] Polen, Michael. "Health Care Use by Frequent Marijuana Smokers Who Do Not
Smoke Tobacco," West J Med 1993: 158.
[67] Gieringer, Dale. "Marijuana, Driving and Accident Safety," Journal of
Psychoactive Drugs, Jan-Mar, 1988.
[68] Weil, Andrew, and Winifred Rosen, From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need
to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
[69] Cozzi, Nicholas. "Effects of Water Filtration on Marijuana Smoke: A
Literature Review." MAPS Newsletter IV #2 (Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies, 1993). Reprints available from California NORML.
[70] "Cannabis and Memory Loss," (editorial) British Journal of Addiction,
86:249-252 (1991).
[71] Muskowitz, H., Hulbert, S., & McGlothlin, W.H. (1976). "Marihuana:
Effects on simulated driving performance." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 8(1), p.
45 - 50.
[72] Astley, Susan, Dr. "Analysis of Facial Shape in Children Gestationally
Exposed to Marijuana, Alcohol, and/or Cocaine," Pediatrics, 89 #1: 67 - 77 (June
[73] Day, Nancy, et. al. "Prenatal Marijuana Use and Neonatal Outcome,"
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 13: 329-334 (1992).
[74] Tashkin, Donald, et. al. "Effects of Habitual Use of Marijuana and/or Cocaine
on the Lung," in C. Nora Chiang and Richard L. Hawks, ed., Research findings on
Smoking of Abused Substances, NIDA Research Monograph 99 (US Dept of Health and Human
Services, 1990).
Suggested Reading
[61] Grinspoon, Lester. Marihuana Reconsidered. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
[62] Herer, Jack. The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Van Nuys, CA: Hemp Publishing, 1990.
[63] Hendin, Herbert. Living High: Daily Marijuana Use Among Adults. New York: Human
Sciences Press, 1987.
[64] Himmelstein, Jerome L. The Strange Career of Marihuana: Politics and Ideology of
Drug Control in America. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983.
[65] Dale Gieringer, Ph.D from California's NORML. "Health Tips for Marijuana
Smokers," Feb. 1994 edition. To receive this very comprehensive 32-page compilation
of reports, send a $5 donation to California NORML, 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco,
CA 94114 or call (415) 563-5858 and ask for the paper by name. The packet includes
detailed instructions on how to construct a vaporizer.