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Government Publications on Drugs and Drug Policy
Excerpt from the 1994 Crime Bill Calling for the establishment of a commission to study the drug problem. This clause was inserted into the Crime Bill as a result of the Resolution for a Federal Commission on Drug Policy (Hoover Resolution). Drug Corruption and the Federal Government - A list of current Congressional Reports on the topic.
MKULTRA - Papers from the 1977 Congressional Hearings on the CIA experiments with LSD in the 1950s. ContentsDepartment of Justice ReportsDOJ ReportsPsychoactive Substances and Violence - DOJ Report - Feb, 1994
Past and Future Directions of the D.A.R.E. Program: An Evaluation Review, (380K - big file) Draft Final Report by Research Triangle Institute September 1994
Drug Courts: Information on a New Approach to Address Drug-Related Crime Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse - Research Summary, March, 1994 (PDF File) Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities - November, 1995 (PDF File) The Systems Approach to Crime and Drug Prevention: A Path to Community Policing, September, 1993 (PDF File) Street Gangs and Drug Sales in Two Suburban Cities - July, 1995 (PDF File) Organized Crime Narcotics Trafficking Enforcement Program - Fact Sheet, November, 1995 (PDF File) The Manhattan District Attorney's Narcotics Eviction Program - May, 1995 (PDF File) Keeping Drug Activity Out of Rental Property: Establishing Landlord Training Programs - November, 1995 (PDF File) Policing Drug Hot Spots - January, 1996 (PDF File) Fact Sheet: Drug-Related Crime - September, 1994 (PDF File) Fact Sheet: Drug Data Summary - June 1995 (PDF File) The DARE Program: A Review of Prevalence, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness - October, 1994 (PDF File) MultiAgency Response to Clandestine Drug Laboratories - November, 1995 (PDF File) Developing a Strategy for a MultiAgency Response to Clandestine Drug Laboratories - June, 1993 (PDF File) A Corrections-Based Continuum of Effective Drug Treatment - June, 1996 (PDF File) A Criminal Justice System Strategy for Treating Cocaine-Heroin Abusing Offenders in Custody DRUG OFFENSES ACCOUNT FOR A LARGER PERCENTAGE OF JAIL INMATES - Dept. of Justice Press Release1990 Drug Courts: Proposed Rule by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs THE NATION'S PRISON POPULATION GREW ALMOST 9 PERCENT LAST YEAR - Press Release 8-9-95 STATE AND FEDERAL PRISON POPULATION TOPS ONE MILLION THE NATION'S CORRECTIONAL POPULATION TOPS 5 MILLION - 8/27/95 Drug Enforcement by Police, 1990
System-Wide Strategies to Relieve Jail Overcrowding Survey of the Marijuana Situation in the Miami Field Office of the DEA - December, 1998 Problem-Oriented Drug Enforcement - October, 1993 National Institute of Justice Reports TESTING HAIR FOR ILLICIT DRUG USE NIJ, Research in Brief, January 1993 PREVENTING ILLEGAL DIVERSION OF CHEMICALS: NIJ Research in Brief, November 1993 "Boot Camp" Drug Treatment and Aftercare Interventions: An Evaluation Review, by Ernest L. Cowles, Ph.D., Thomas C. Castellano, Ph.D., and Laura A. Gransky, M.S. Series: NIJ Research in Brief Published: July 1995 Youth, Violence, Guns, and Illicit Drug Markets - June, 1996 Childhood Victimization and Risk for Alcohol and Drug Arrests - Series: NIJ Research Preview Published: November 1995 Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports
Highlights of the Crime Problem, 1993 Jail Inmates 1992 Jails and Jail Inmates 1993-94: Census of Jails and Survey of Jails Drug Enforcement and Treatment in Prisons, 1990 Correctional Populations in the United States 1980 - 1993 Executive Summary Violent Crime: National Crime Victimization Survey -- April 1994, NCJ-147486 Drug Enforcement Administration Reports
How to Hold Your Own In A Drug Legalization Debate, by the DEA, November, 1994 This booklet was the result of the DEA's emergency conference in August, 1994, in which they tried desperately to find some way to keep from getting their butts kicked when they engaged in public debates on drug policy. It is a direct response to the Persuasive Strategies, and borrows from the Persuasive Strategies on several occasions. Reply to the DEA's book "How To Hold Your Own In a Drug Legalization Debate" In this section, I go through the arguments the DEA has raised in their book and examine them in detail against the Federal Government's own evidence on the subject. In addition to missing the point, the DEA is not telling the truth.
U.S. DRUG THREAT ASSESSMENT: 1993 DRUG INTELLIGENCE REPORT - DEA - September, 1993 This is a rather long document which is a comprehensive summary of the DEA's view of the threat from drugs. COCA CULTIVATION AND COCAINE PROCESSING: AN OVERVIEW -- DEA - September 1993 This report is the DEA's overview of the cocaine industry. The DEA Official Seal -- This is a GIF file of the DEA's official seal. International Drug Trafficking Organizations in Mexico - Statement by: Thomas A. Constantine, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, Before the: Senate Foreign Relations Committee - August 8, 1995 National Institute on Drug AbuseThe Facts on Needle Exchange - Previously unreleased Federal Government documents, plus background materials, on the facts about needle exchange programs. Drugs and Violence: Causes, Correlates, and Consequences, (Very Big -- 600K!) NIDA Research Monograph 103 - 1990, For a shorter analysis, with essentially the same results, see Psychoactive Substances and Violence, above. National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug InformationContains information such as the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) Reports, the Household Survey on Drug Abuse, and other information. While the information contained in these surveys is significant, it needs to be viewed carefully in light of the problems which are encountered with any attempt to collect information on illegal activities. In addition, when such information is reported to the media, the government officials releasing the information will tend to make up press reports which are misleading, to say the least, when compared with the full text of the reports. Readers of these reports should read them carefully to determine the difference between the press release and the details of the report, and they should also refer to the problems in collecting accurate data, discussed in the GAO report, Drug Use Measurement.
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