Weight Loss Medication
Weight loss medication is a somewhat controversial topic between some doctors with some promoting it and some feeling that they are not healthy, however today more and more people are finding long-lasting results by using weight loss medications. In a society where more and more people are beginning to fall in to the obese weight category use of weight loss medication is on the rise. There are several categories of medications designed for weight loss to know about if you are considering using medication to aid in weight loss.
The first category of weight loss medications is the appetite suppressants. These types of medications can help you lose weight by helping you feel more full when you eat and suppressing the feelings of hunger. They do this by increasing chemicals in your brain that affect how hungry you feel. The most common drugs that are appetite suppressants are Phentermine and Sibutramine. These are the two drugs that doctors most commonly prescribe.
Another category of weight loss medications are there lipase inhibitors. These drugs work in a totally different way than appetite suppressants work. These types of drugs work by actually blocking an enzyme the body produces call lipase. Lipase is the enzyme the body produces to break down fats that you ingest. By inhibiting lipase the fat that you eat cannot be broken down and therefore cannot be absorbed into the body in the small intestine. The most popular drug is this category is Orlistat.
There are other drugs that are used in weight loss that are not yet approved by the FDA. It can be risky to take a weight loss medication that has not yet been approved because you cannot always be aware of the risks and side affects the drug may have. Some weight loss medications in the past have ended up having adverse side affects on the people that used them. It is safer if people desiring to lose weight work with their doctor on a program and medication therapy that has been approved. It should also be remembered that weight loss medication is not made to be long term and should only be used for a short amount of time.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article. |