Alcohol Rehab
Alcoholics face a hard decision when they realize they need help. Many choose to try a self-help approach to alcohol rehab. There are many self-help programs out there to choose from. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is probably the most popular self-help group devoted to alcohol rehab. It is the largest self-help group and it is devoted to helping the alcoholic deal with the disease.
Alcohol rehab through AA is done by following the twelve step program that was written by the early members of AA. They have group meeting that are facilitated by their peers and fellow recovering alcoholics. The meetings take place on a daily basis at various times throughout the day so the addict can always attend a meeting. The AA program also uses the buddy system by providing all new members with a sponsor to help support them as they try to avoid relapse. Members have a group intervention plan in place to help any member that may be vulnerable to relapse. There is never a fee charged to members and all meeting are attended on a voluntary basis.
Alcohol rehab using the AA twelve step program consists of abstinence based personal recovery from alcohol. The addict must admit they are powerless over the addiction and/or behavior. The addict turns their fate over to a “higher power”. Also the addict must follow the steps to examine the effects of their behavior and must accept responsibility for their actions and make amends.
People who need to attend alcohol rehab must conquer the powerlessness they feel over the substance that is controlling their life. In order to regain the trust and respect of their family, friends and co-workers one must make the decision to seek help. An alcoholic must use that help to the fullest extent and they will recover.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article. |