Drug Test
Do you ever wonder how they conduct a drug test? There are more methods today than you may be aware of. A drug test can be done with urine, blood, saliva, hair and sweat. The most common form used today is the urine drug test. The others are used frequently too but are much more expensive and each test has its pro’s and con’s.
The urine drug test is the least expensive and is considered intrusive. Urine tests can detect drug use back to one week and can be affected by the drug user abstaining from use for a period of at least one week before the drug test. Saliva tests are becoming more common and are less intrusive. The saliva drug test is obtained by having the user hold a cotton swab in their mouth and then the sample is processed by a lab. The saliva test detects drug use back a few days. The hair drug test is the least intrusive and the second most expensive test. The hair test can detect use back ninety days. The blood test is the most expensive method of drug test and is the most intrusive and accurate of all the methods. The sweat test is considered fairly intrusive as the person being tested has to wear a patch for an e tended period of time. Its accuracy is debatable and controversial.
In conclusion no matter what method of drug test one may use they all have benefits. It basically comes down to cost and how far back you want to the test to reveal drug use. If you are concerned about a one time use and it happened with in the past week the urine test will be your best and most economical choice. If you suspect use over a longer period of time you opt to use the hair drug test, it is rather expensive at a price of $100 to $150, but it tracks use back much further than the other methods available.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.