Hemp Seed Oil
While most people think of hemp as only used for its fibers, the seeds from hemp are very rich in nutrients. Hemp seed oil has been called by many a “super food” of sorts because of its healthful properties. The hemp seed is actually a very tiny nut covered by a thin shell. Hemp seed oil is very rich in essential oils such as Omega 3 and 6, and GLA. These oils are not naturally produced by the body, but they are essential for humans to conduct every day functions, and are usually found in foods such as fish and nuts. Hemp seed oil is dense with these essential oils, as well as necessary amino acids. There are many uses for hemp seed oil. Some claim that it is very effective in helping with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis by keeping inflammation down and by ensuring that the joints stay properly lubricated. It has also been known to soothe the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and colitis.
Hemp seed oil can be ingested safely, and it is recommended that the average person take one to two tablespoons each day, preferably with food. It is not recommended, however, that you fry your food in hemp seed oil. This is because when cooked at high temperatures, the oil creates by products known as trans-fatty acids, and these are not good for you. Many state that the oil tastes very mild and nutty, and very similar to olive oil. It can be used in cooking, and is safe for just about everyone, including infants and young children. The oil will not make you feel “high”, and has no THC or any marijuana in it. It is simply the oil product that comes directly from the hemp seed itself. When storing your hemp seed oil, keep it in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. It can also be frozen if you do not plan to use it all within a three month period. Hemp seed oil has a great deal of benefits and should be a part of your daily supplements for good health.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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