Drug Test
Taking a drug test is almost commonplace in the workforce today because it can save the company money. Did you know that the former chairman of General Motors said that drug abuse cost his company approximately $1 billion dollars a year?
What type of drug test might a company ask you to take? Most companies use urine drug tests. This may consist of your going into an individual bathroom and collecting your own sample, although to avoid cheating, some companies may have a two-way mirror so they can see that it is indeed your sample or having someone go in the bathroom with you. While this may be embarrassing to you, because of widespread cheating, it is often necessary. Some companies may do more advanced testing that is less likely to be inaccurate, such as hair or saliva drug testing. However, since that testing is more expensive, they may use the urine test as a preliminary test and only those that test positive for that will be given the hair or saliva test as a secondary measure.
What if you take a drug test, having not been using drugs, but a positive result is returned? Do not panic. Most companies realize that there is a certain margin or error with the test, not matter which one they use. To reconfirm a test, most companies will have you visit a laboratory for further testing. If you are asked to do this, do not be hurt. It may be slightly embarrassing for you, but if you have not been using illegal street drugs, further testing should prove that. Sometimes companies will employ a Medical Review Officer. Often this private physician is qualified to review test results when a positive is returned.
Being asked to take a drug test can cause panic in most anyone – even those who know they are not guilty of anything! But, remember that it is a necessary part of the job interview process.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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