Drug Tests
Drug tests are often used today before you can begin work with a company. But, even if you have been employed with a company for years, they may begin doing random drug testing as illegal drug abuse costs them money and often could put you and other employees in danger.
If you company asks you to take a drug test, it will often be a urinalysis test. However, some drug tests require saliva or hair samples.
If you do test positive, most companies have policies in place that concern what will take place next. This usually involves going to a laboratory for further testing which can provide a more accurate result than in-house testing. Drug tests results remain confidential and normally remain separate for your personnel file. If you are an employee of a company and have a problem with substance abuse, see if your company offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This will provide professional assessment of your problem as well as treatment.
Companies are not the only one doing drug tests today. Because many parents fear their teenagers are abusing drugs, they have turned to using at home drug tests to check. While a teenager might find this intrusive, parents feel better if they take a drug test that returns with a negative result. If you are a teen and your parents are wanting you to take a drug test, you can refuse to take a urine drug test. However, your parent may be able to do testing by snagging a few strands of your hair from a brush or comb without you knowing it. If you are not using drugs, sit down, talk with your parents, and ask what makes them believe you are doing drugs. If you are doing drugs, but want to quit, taking a drug test for your parents could be the first step to recovery.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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