Drug Addiction
Cocaine is a drug that can quickly develop into a serious drug addiction. The effects of the drug are immediate, extremely pleasurable and very brief. This kind of reaction can cause the user to repeat usage numerous times to maintain the euphoric feeling or a high. It makes the user feel more energetic, similar to caffeine, and also produces a sense of alertness and reduces appetite.
Aside from the physical feelings it also leaves the user with a feeling of overwhelming power and ability mixed with anxiety and restlessness. As the drug wears off the user will feel tired and depressed and sometimes will sleep for hours even days after long usage. Having these immediate feelings increase the chance for drug addiction. Drug addiction to cocaine is very serious and hard to overcome. Studies have shown that animals injected with cocaine will work obsessively to get cocaine over food. Humans with this drug addiction act the same way, they will take whatever measures to get cocaine. They will continue to use the drug even after it has destroyed their job, school, and their relationships with loved ones in their personal life.
Overcoming a drug addiction to cocaine is very difficult as the user will go through severe depression and it will more than likely be too overwhelming to conquer without professional intervention. The feeling of overwhelming depression will make the user want to use more cocaine and regain the initial feeling of euphoria and power. This feeling of helplessness will also make the user go to do anything to get cocaine, crimes such as prostitution, theft, dealing drugs and even violent crimes like murder. More often than not the user is only placed into treatment against their own judgment, as they are incapable of making rational decisions while under the influence of cocaine. Please seek professional help if you or a loved one suffers from cocaine drug addiction.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.