Urine Drug Screening
Urine drug screening is a process used by employers and insurance agencies to detect illegal drugs in the body. Drug addiction is a huge problem. For the most part, employers do not want to hire people with a drug problem. Moreover, health and life insurance companies do not give policies to drug users. Thus, both require applicants to successfully pass a drug test. There are various ways to test the body for illegal drugs. However, urine drug screenings are one of the easiest methods. The applicant simply provides a urine sample. The sample is sent away to a lab for analysis. The lab tests are able to detect any illegal chemical substances.
Many people attempt to cheat on a urine drug screening. For example, prior to providing a urine sample, some people will drink gallons of water to dilute their urine. Whereas this method does make it more difficult to detect illegal drugs, lab tests will be able to detect abnormal water consumption. In this case, the applicant may be required to provide another sample. Moreover, any attempt to detoxify the body prior to a urine drug screening is easily detected. While detoxification products are safe and natural, the screening test will detect these in the urine. Thus, applicants may have to re-take the test.
While urine drug screening tests are effective and easy, this particular test can only detect drug use that occurred within three days of the screening. Thus, it is possible for a person to stop drug use days prior to a test. For this reason, many employers have utilized random drug screening. On any given day, an employer may ask an employee to provide a urine sample. By law, employers have this right. Employees may refuse to provide a sample. However, refusal may result in termination.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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