Drug Tests
The procedure for taking drug tests varies. Employers, insurance agencies, and medical professionals have different processes. The purpose of drug tests is to analyze the body for traces of illegal drugs. After giving a bodily sample, the sample is sent away to a lab for analysis. Drug tests are used by employers and insurance agencies as a part of their application process. Employers want to hire people who are capable and reliable, whereas insurance agencies refuse to grant policies to individuals with a drug habit. Through drug tests, both employers and agencies are able to identify unfavorable candidates.
For a urine drug test, you will be required to simply provide a sample of urine in a cup. Depending on the circumstances, you may be required to urinate in front of another person. While demeaning, some people believe this is the best way to avoid cheating on a urine drug test. Providing a sample of blood for drug tests is a little more complicated. A licensed healthcare professional will administer this procedure and draw blood for analysis. In both cases, urine and blood samples can only detect drug use that occurred within the last three days – sometimes less.
While sweat and saliva drug tests are available, these tests are highly ineffective. Because of past inaccuracies and problems, sweat and saliva tests are generally not used in serious situations. A hair drug test is the best way to measure whether or not you have taken illegal drugs. Drugs are detected in the hair for up to six months. Thus, the longer the hair remains on the head, the easier it is to trace past drug use. If required to take a hair drug test, you will provide a sample strand. Regardless of hair length, labs will only tests the first five centimeters.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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