Drug Rehab Program
At first glance, a drug rehab program does not seem the place for a compulsive gambler. After all, addicts are usually individuals who have begun to use a substance that alters their physiology to such an extent that a need for the substance is experienced on a physical level and on an emotional level, and the individual user sees no way out of that cycle of using the substance and needing more. Alcohol, drugs, prescriptions, and even food come to mind as such substances. Lately, however, many a compulsive gambler has sought help at a drug rehab program with quite often life changing results!
It is important to realize that a compulsive gambler suffers from an addiction that is just as hard to overcome as an alcoholic. Quiet often we think of gamblers as being men or women who sit for hours at the slot machines in a casino. We associate the poker table with this addiction to a much lesser extent. Yet another most dangerous form of gambling seems to have escaped the radar of many: the manipulation of bonds, commodities, and stocks. While this addiction is psychological, the compulsiveness that goes hand in hand with it makes it very treatable within the confines of a drug rehab program. Quite often the treatments options include family therapy and 12 Step treatments.
A successful drug rehab program for the compulsive gambler will empower this individual to take back control of their thoughts, desires, and plans so that they will no longer revolve around the next bet they can make or stock they feel the need to trade. Additionally, guided programs on fiscal responsibility will help the individual as well as the family to regain control of personal finances that may very well have spun out of control. If you feel you have a problem with gambling, or know someone who does, do not put off the phone call to a drug rehab program in your area!
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article. |
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