Drug Interactions
Drug interactions can be dangerous and even deadly. Drug
interactions are not strictly limited to illegal drugs; prescription
medications and even over the counter medicines may have
potentially harmful interactions. A harmful drug interaction
can also occur when medication and alcohol are mixed. Some
illegal drugs, such as barbiturates can have potentially
lethal drug interactions when taken with alcohol. It is best
to completely abstain from drinking while on medication,
but always wise to at least check with your doctor about
any possible health risks.
There are a few tips to avoid drug interactions: First, advise your physician
of any other prescription medicines, over the counter medications and herbal
supplements you are on when being prescribed a new medication. Next, try to always
use the same pharmacy to pick up your prescription medications. This way all
of your health information and current medications are stored in one location
and the pharmacist can avoid possible drug interactions before they occur. Now
days, the large chain pharmacies are networked, so you do not have to always
go to the same location. When picking up your medications, ask questions, the
pharmacist will be more than happy to help. As an extra precaution, labels are
affixed to the prescription bottle warning of any serious drug interactions and
how to avoid them. Always store our prescription in the bottle it was provided!
Additionally, patients currently taking blood pressure medications should be
sure to consult with their doctor or pharmacist before adding any new medications.
If you are on a prescription medicine and are unsure if an over-the-counter medication
will cause a drug interaction, call your doctor or pharmacist before taking anything
new. Avoiding drug interactions involves keeping careful track of the medications
and supplements you are currently taking and consulting health care professionals
before making any changes in medication or dosage.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article.
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