Say No To Drugs
The world of medicine is fraught with controversy, with pharmaceutical companies often cast as evil profiteers and alternative medicine advocates urging consumers to just say no to drugs, citing the ills of prescriptions for profit, rather than legitimate need and without regard for safety. It’s important not to get caught up in the hype, and to use facts to make decisions concerning the use of prescription drugs.
Since the modern era of prescription drugs, countless lives have been saved by pharmaceutical preparations. Many lives have been prolonged and made much more comfortable and enjoyable through the use of drugs. While, undeniably, there are problems within the industry – as there are in any industry – a just say no to drugs attitude is dangerous, and could even prove deadly.
A better approach to avoiding the unnecessary use of prescription medications and other types of medicine is to do some research and a bit of critical thinking. Review studies, seek out other potential solutions and therapies backed up by clinical trials. Discuss these options with your health care provider. Remain open and objective, however, rather than holding a stiff just say no to drugs mindset. Sometimes, a prescription medication simply is the best solution.
While there are many conditions in which alternative health methods can work, and are the safest options with the least number of side effects, there are numerous other health situations in which prescription medications are the best choice. Sometimes, there is a risk of side effects, but that doesn’t necessarily merit a blanket just say no to drugs judgment. Potential side effects need to be weighed out by a real assessment of their potential to occur – run the numbers. Often there is a greater chance of being struck by lightening than suffering from major side effects. Furthermore, the risks must be compared to the benefits of using the medication. Let facts, not fear, be the guide.
Just say no to drugs is a concept that does have its proper place. The concept, however, should not be an automatic position when it comes to doctor prescribed medications. Research and critical thinking can help you make the right choice when faced with a decision about prescription medications and whether or not you should say no to drugs.
Disclaimer: Cliff Schaffer does not personally endorse or support any of the comments made within the writings of this article. |